Research & Development Cell

The Research and Development Cell of the Sardar Vallabhbhai Global University facilitates and encourages the research culture among the teachers, the students and stakeholders. The establishment of the University R&D Cell is to develop and strengthen the research environment in the departments. The R&D Cell would provide a favourable environment for productive research, Industrial and Institutional collaborations and mobilise the resources and grants.


To conduct world class research & foster the culture of innovation to meet the industry and society needs of technology and skilled manpower.


  • To develop a research-driven ecosystem.
  • To develop the new-age technologies to help the society to meet the various challenges.
  • To focus on developing new technologies and provide trained manpower to enable the students to become industry or job-ready.
  • To conduct research that is novel, original & society relevant for the advancement of scientific research.
  • To publish the research work in high-impact factor journals and have a long-lasting impact on the scientific outputs.
  • To promote entrepreneurship among young researchers.
  • To monitor the research quality and integrity for maintaining high research quality.
Research Leadership / Composition of R&D Cell
Name Designation
 Dr. Kiran K. Shah  Provost
 Dr. Abhinava S. Singh  Director – MBA Programme
 Dr. Vishal Dahiya  Director – Integrated MCA Programme
 Dr. Hardik Soni  Director – MCA Programme
 Dr. Hari Desai  Director – BAMC Programme
 Dr. Mayur Shah  Registrar
 Dr. Disha Parekh  Coordinator – PhD Programme