Educational Qualifications: Ph. D., M. Phill., M. Sc. (Statistics), B. Sc. (Statistics)
Academic Experience: 18 Years
Industry Experience: None
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Research Papers:
Dr. Devina Upadhyay, Aanal Desai, : “ CONJOINT ANALYSIS: A TOOL TO ANALYZE THE PREFERENCES OF MOBILE USERS TOWARDS SERVICE PROVIDERS”, WJERT (World Journalof Engineering Research and Technology), 2017, Volume 3, Issue-6,423-428.
Aanal Desai, Dr. Pradeep Jha; Palpitation, perspicacity, and prognosis; The Pharma Innovation Journal ,2019; 8(1): 375-377
Aanal Desai, Dr. Pradeep Jha; Focus on Pulse Pressure: International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology; Vol. 6, Issue 2, Feb 2019; 8084-8113
Aanal Desai, Dr. Pradeep J. Jha; Approaches Differ: BMI, WHtR, and WHR Statistical Analysis and Derivations; Paripex – Indian Journal of Research; Sep-2019; Vol(8); Issue-9; 13-17
Aanal Desai, Dr. Pradeep. J .Jha.; Morphological Connectivity in Measures of Limbs of a Human Body; IRJMST,2019,Vol(10);Issue-12;38-44
Books Authored / Co-Authored
Prof. Aanal Desai & Prof. C. J. Trivedi, “Elementary Statistics Sem-3 (BBA)”,B.S. Shah Prakashan, Ahmedabad, ISBN No.: 81-8416-086-0
Prof. Aanal Desai & Prof. C. J. Trivedi, “Business Statistics Sem-4 (BBA)”,B.S. Shah Prakashan, Ahmedabad, ISBN No.: 81-8416-086-0
Prof. Aanal Desai & Prof. C. J. Trivedi, “Operation Research and Quantitative techniques Sem-5 (BBA)”, B.S. Shah Prakashan, Ahmedabad
Prof. Aanal Desai & Prof. C. J. Trivedi, “Research Methodology Sem-6 (BBA)”,B.S. Shah Prakashan, Ahmedabad
Prof. Aanal Desai & Prof. C. J. Trivedi, “Business Mathematics Sem-2 (BBA)” ,B.S. Shah Prakashan, Ahmedabad, ISBN No.: 81-8416-086-0
Prof. Ravi Gor & Prof. Aanal Desai, “Fundamental Concept of Mathematics, Nirav Prakashan, Ahmedabad,2017” ISBN No.: 978-93-86565-26-6