A One day expert session on AI in Modern Education - Enhancing Learning Experiences was conducted on 8th February, 2025, Saturday, at Integrated MCA Department, Chimanbhai Patel Institute of Computer Applications, Sardar Vallabhbhai Global University, in order to educate students about the usage of AI and its tools in modern education. A career guidance seminar started with a welcome address to the expert Ms. Priti Solanki, Founder PurpleSpot, USA. Ms. Priti made the session really interactive. She started with AI, moved to Chatbots, then to generative AI and explained various chatbots. She also talked about napkin.ai tool which helps generate texts to visuals and invideo.ai that generates a video from the text. She later explained sitesGPT which she insisted students use to generate their own AI based website with their own themes. She showed the working of vimeo AI tools too.