
Prof. (Dr.) Vishal Dahiya

Name: Dr. Vishal Dahiya

Designation:  Professor & Director, Integrated MCA

Educational Qualifications:  Ph.D. (CS), M.Phil., MCA, B.Sc. (CS)

Academic Experience: 22 years

Industry Experience: 2 years

Mail id: director-i-mca@cpi.edu.in


Brief profile:

She has more than two decades of experience in Academics. She is a continuous learner, explorer of new emerging technologies and a researcher. She started her career as a System analyst in ER&DCI India then developer in CRIS, New Delhi. In academics, her research scholar received innovation award from Govt of Gujarat. She has developed the content and video lecture for ePG Pathshala Swayam portal by MHRD India and has also recorded sessions for Indus University on Core ideas.


Names of previous Academic Affiliations:

Indus University, Ahmedabad


Subjects Taught:

Big Data, DBMS, Java Programming, Deep Learning



  • Research Papers:
  • A research paper entitled “Predicting Breast Cancer using Machine Learning Classifiers and Enhancing the Output by Combining the Prediction to Generate Optimal F1-score”, Biomedical and Biotechnology Research Scopus Journal, Sep 2021 
  • Research Paper on topic “A systematic review on protein functions and various machine learning algorithms associated with identifying protein functions”, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Global Studies, 14 (4), p.p. 218-225 Dec 2020. 
  • Research Paper title” Argumentation Mining: Automatic Annotation and Identification of Argument Elements Among Parliamentary Debates”, Studies in Indian Place Names, 40 (60), p.p. 1295-1306, March 2020. 
  • Research Paper title “Intelligent System to Diagnose LBP Using Genetic Algorithm and Support Vector Machine”, Springer, Singapore, Advanced Computing Technologies and Applications, p.p. 107-116, 2020. 
  • Research Paper title” Keystroke Logging: Integrating Natural Language Processing Technique to Analyze Log Data”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9 (3), p.p. 2028-2033, Jan 2020. 
  • Research paper titled “VDIS using Knowledge Base and Image Processing Framework'' International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology (IJRRCT) 1 (1), p.p. 4-10 (2012). 
  • Research paper titled ''Generating Knowledge Based System using Fuzzy Rule Base for Vision Defect Identification” International Transactions on Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering (ITEECE), 2 (2), p.p. 14-20 (2012). 
  • Research paper titled Vision Defects Identification System using Image Processing” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Computer Engineering (IJRICE) 2(2), pp-219-222 (2012). 
  • Research paper titled “Perceptually oriented geometric primitives simplification for accelerating rendering”, International Journal of Applied Science & Technology Research Excellence, vol.2, no.1, pp.94-96 (2012). 
  • Research paper titled “Designing fuzzy rule base for vision defects”, International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications, 3 (2), pp.734-737 (2012) 
  • Research paper titled “Malware vulnerabilities in Mobile OS: Risk and Exploitation”, International Journal of Mobile and Ad-hoc Network, Volume 2, Issue 2, May 2012
  • Research paper titled “Role of eye perception in analysis of vision defects”, International Journal of Computer Engineering, vol.3, no.2, pp.83-87 (2011) 
  • Research paper titled “An image processing system for finding vision defects”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research, vol.7, no.2, pp.135-142 (2011)
  • Research paper titled “Role of threshold value and CSF to simplify and render an image”, International Journal of Computer Applications, pp.44-49 (2011) 
  • Research paper titled “Analysis of framework and security issues in Android”, International Journal of Computer and Internet Security. ISSN 0974-2247 Volume 3, Number 1 (2011), pp. 17-24. 
  • Research paper titled “Role of MTF in analysing the contrast and threshold performance of human visual system”, Prajna, vol.18, pp.117-121 (2009). 
  • Research paper titled “Mining Sequences Approaches and Analysis” International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology 1 (7) December 2014 ISSN (online): 2349-6010 
  • Research Paper Titled “Applications of Expert System in Medical Field”- International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD), Vol 2, Issue 10 2015. 
  • Research Paper titled “Data Secrecy using 3C with Mobile Application and Packet Encryption” -IEEE Xplore NetAct Conference IEEE July 2017 
  • Research Paper Titled “Constraints of 3C Application for Packet Encryption”- International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies”, Volume 6, Issue 11, Nov 2018. 
  • Research paper titled “A Comparative Analysis of Classification Methods of Lower Back Pain”- Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol 11, Issue 2, 2018.
  • Research paper titled Statistical Computation, Quantification and Analysis of Shadow Detection and Its Removal from Satellite Images” International Journal Of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) ISSN:2320-2882 IMPACT FACTOR:5.97, 2018 
  • Research Paper Titled “Comparison on Shadow Removal and Detection Techniques' International Journal on Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), Mumbai, ISSN:2277-9302 IMPACT FACTOR:1.6532, 2017. 


International Conferences 

  • Research Paper titled “The Heterogeneity Paradigm, in Big Data Characterized Under Variety Of Voluminous Data - A Literature Review”, International Conference on Technologies for Smart Green Connected Society 2021 
  • Research Paper title “Supervised Learning Algorithm: SVM with Advance Kernel to classify Lower Back Pain”, International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud and Parallel Computing (ComITCon 2019). 
  • Research Paper on topic “IT Enabled Rural Marketing – Opportunities & challenges” at International Conference held at Pioneer Institute, Indore from Oct 13- Oct 14, 2006.
  • Research paper on the topic “Role of IT in Business Transformation” in the International Conference that was held at Udaipur in Sep 2008. 
  • Research paper on topic “Implementation of signal transformation in visual cortex using steerable filter” at international conference on Next Generation Communication and computing system organized by Institution of engineers, technocrat and academic network India that held at Chandigarh on Dec 25-26-2010. 
  • Research Paper on topic “Rendering and Simplification of Image using threshold value and CSF” at international conference on Intelligent System and Data Processing-ICSID held at GH Patel college of Eng. And Technology on Jan 24-25, 2011. 
  • Research paper on the topic “Innovative algorithms for Vision Defect Identification System” at international conference on Intelligent System and Signal Processing held at GH Patel college of Eng. And Technology on March 1-2, 2013. 


National Conferences 

  • Research paper on the topic “A multi-layer architecture of Knowledge Management System” at National Conference of Intelligent Information Research Paper 2006 held at Surat from April 29- April 30. 
  • Research Paper on topic “Role of IT in Rural development” at National Conference held at Rajkot University, Rajkot from Oct1- Oct 2, 2006. 
  • Research Paper on topic “Business Transformation through IT” at National Conference held at SKPIMCS, Gandhinagar from Dec 1- Dec 2, 2006. 
  • Research Paper on topic “Impact of IT in Indian Banking” at National Conference held at SKPIMCS, Gandhinagar from Dec 1- Dec 2, 2006. 
  • Research paper on the topic” IT development with Open source software” at National Conference Organized by SKPIMCS, Gandhinagar from Jan 6-7, 2009. 
  • Research paper on “An analytical outlook of the crisis and their Indian Growth Story” at National Conference on Global crisis and its impact on Indian economy organized by dept. Of business management, Saurashtra University, Rajkot. 
  • Research paper on the topic “Algorithm for signal transformation of primary visual cortex” at national Conference on Advances in computing and IT at Nehru arts and science college, Coimbatore from Feb 5-6, 2010. 
  • Research paper on topic “Role of form saliency metrics for object simplification to accelerate rendering” at National conference Spectrum of IT development at India’s perspective held at Baba Budha College, Bir Sahib, Tarantaran, Amritsar on Feb 17-18, 2012. (Best Ph.D. Student Paper) 
  • Research paper on topic “Perceptually oriented geometric primitives simplification for rendering” at two-day symposium on Innovations in Science research scholar meet at SPU, VV Nagar on Jan 8-9, 2012. 
  • Submitted Research paper on topic “Survey on BIG data- Road of Challenges ahead” at two-day National conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Technology and Management going to held at Indus University on Jan 31-Feb 1, 2014. 
  • Submitted Research paper on topic “Exploration of Threat Model in Mobile OS” at two-day National conference on Emerging trends in Engineering, Technology and Management going to held at Indus University on Jan 31-Feb 1, 2014. 



  • Lifetime member of Computer Society of India. 
  • Editorial Team Member of International Journal of Innovation Technology & Research (ISSN 2320-5547). 
  • Reviewer team member of Future Generation Computer Systems, USA. 



  • Academia ERP Award 
  • Recorded MOOCs for ePG Pathshala, Sponsored by MHRD and UGC. 
  • Ph.D. scholar won Innovation award from Govt. of Gujarat. 
  • One research paper is part of the book chapter in Springer. 
  • Appreciation trophy from IITE in 2012 for research work. 

Expert Sessions Delivered 

  • Session delivered on Challenges in BIG Data and Data Analytics in FDP organized by Department of Emerging Technologies in Computer Science at G. Pulla Reddy engineering college (autonomous): Kurnool, Tamil Nadu. 
  • Session delivered on “IoT” and “Cloud computing in today’s life” in MSU, Ajmer, FDP organized by MHRD. 
  • Session delivered on “BIG data analytics tools & techniques” in FDP.
  • Session on “Funding Agencies in India” for Ph.D. research students. 
  • Session on “Role of IT in shaping up career” for ISHLS students. 


Link to Social Media Profile/ Research Profile:

  • Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=1sOAiEUAAAAJ 
  • Research gate id: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vishal-Dahiya-3 
  • LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-vishal-dahiya-1156a916/ 
  • Session on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87vqO0alYOc